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洗衣机电机效率和无意识后果的规律  2012/3/1
电机效率更高是个好事——任何设计工程师都不可能说:“下一次设计中,我要找到真正低效率电机”。我在今年夏天写过一篇文章designing with energy-efficient permanent magnet motors,介绍洗衣机成为控制电子卖主和电机厂商使用的成熟应用,如何在家庭中广泛使用。然而,大多数人买洗衣机不是因为它们的能源效率,而是出于能够将衣服洗干净。根据消费者报道,许多新型洗衣机在洗衣效果上很差。






Washing machine motor efficiency and the Law of Unintended Consequences

Higher motor efficiency is a Good Thing – It’s unlikely that any design engineer ever said, “Gee, if only I could find a really inefficient motor for my next design.” When I was working on an article this summer on designing with energy-efficient permanent magnet motors and how their use is expanding in home appliances, washing machines were the poster-child application that all control electronics vendors and motor manufacturers used. However, most people buy washing machines not because they are energy-efficient, but because they want to get their clothes clean, and according to Consumer Reports, many of the new washing machines are pretty poor at cleaning clothes.

According to Consumer Reports, “As of January [2007], the U.S. Department of Energy has required washers to use 21 percent less energy, a goal we wholeheartedly support. But our tests have found that traditional top-loaders, those with the familiar center-post agitators, are having a tough time wringingoutthose savings without sacrificing cleaning ability, the main reason you buy a washer.”

Happily, the new front-loading washers, which universally use permanent magnet motors, meet the energy efficiency standards and do a good job of cleaning clothes without destroying them. Unhappily, they cost in the neighborhood of $1000 for a washer/dryerset. And most consumers seem to prefer top-loaders, both out of familiarity and because they’re less expensive. But the top-loaders gave up cleaning ability when they gained energy efficiency, and most consumers will probably stay with the less expensive, less effective top-loaders.
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