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AtmelATmega128RFA1单片IEEE802.15.4解决方案  2012/3/1
         Atmel 公司的ATmega128RFA1是低功耗单片IEEE 802.15.4解决方案,集成了基于AVR增强特性RISC架构的CMOS8位MCU以及2.4GHz ISM频段的高数据速率收发器.器件的吞吐量达到1MIPS/MHz,无线电收发器的数据数据速率从250kbps到高达2Mbps.ATmega128RFA1广泛应用在ZigBee®/IEEE 802.15.4-2006/2003™, RF4CE, SP100, WirelessHART™,ISM应用以及IPv6/6LoWPAN.本文介绍了ATmega128RFA1主要特性,方框图, AVR架构方框图, 收发器方框图以及基本应用电路图和材料清单(BOM)与扩展特性的应用电路图.

The ATmega128RFA1 is a low-powerCMOS 8 bit microcontroller based on the AVR

enhanced RISC architecture combined with a high data rate transceiver for the 2.4 GHz
ISM band. It is derived from the ATmega1281 microcontroller and the AT86RF231 radio

By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the device achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPSperMHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.

The radio transceiver provides high data rates from 250 kb/s up to 2 Mb/s, frame handling,outstanding receiver sensitivity and high transmit output power enabling a very robust wireless communication.

The AVR core combines a rich instructionsetwith 32 general purpose working registers. All 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). Two independent registerscanbe accessed with one single instruction executed in one clock cycle. The resulting architecture is very code efficient while achieving throughputs up totentimes faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers. The system includes internal voltage regulation and an advanced power management. Distinguished by the small leakage current it allows an extended operation time from battery.
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