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日本語電気専門用語辞書I  2012/3/1

I-rail ==> I形レール
I-scope ==> Iスコープ
I-signal ==> I信号
I/O, Input-Output equipment ==> 入出力装置
I/O, Input/Output ==> 入出力
IA, Industrial Automation==> 工業オートメーション
IAB, Internet Architecture Board ==> 1983年に設立された、インターネットに関する技術標準を決定する団体。
IAE, integral of absolute error ==> 誤差面積
IAEA, International AtomicEnergy Agency ==> 国際原子力機関
IANA, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ==> インターネット?アサインド?ナンバー?オーソリティ
IAP, Intelligent Alarm Processor ==> IAP
IASTED, The International Association of Science and Technology for Economic Development ==> IASTED is a major forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of electricpowerand energy systems.
IC, Integrated Circuit ==> 集積回路
ICAE, International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity ==> 大気電気国際会議
ICAP, Installed Capacity Market ==> 設備容量市場
ICCP, Inter Control Center Protocol ==> 通信プロトコル,IEC-60870-6 Inter Control Center Protocol(TASE.2), ICCP is a standard real-time data exchange protocol. It provides numerous features for the delivery of data, monitoring of values, program control and devicecontrol. All the protocol specificsneeded to ensure interoperability between different vendor''s ICCP products have been included in the specifications.
ICE ==> 民間(土木)技術者協会(イギリス)
ice coating ==> 被氷(送電線)
ice load ==> 氷雪荷重
ice loading ==> 氷雪荷重
ice thermal storage ==> 氷蓄熱システム
ICE, In-Circuit Emulator ==> デバッガ(Intel社の登録商標)
ICE, Inter City Express ==> ドイツ高速鉄道
ice-accretion ==> 着氷
ice-formation ==> 着氷
icebreaking ships ==> 砕氷船
ICEE, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering ==> ICEE
ICHEP, International Conference on High Energy Physics ==> 高エネルギー物理学国際会議
ICHQP, The International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power ==> ICHQP
ICLP, International Conference on Lightning Protection ==> 雷防護国際会議
ICMP, Internet Control Message Protocol ==> ICMP
ICNIRP, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ==> ICNIRP
icon ==> アイコン
iconic document ==> 画像資料
iconic model ==> 画像模型
iconoscope ==> アイコノスコープ
ICP, inductivery coupled plasma ==> 誘導結合型放電
ICPP, Inter**al Panel on Climate Change ==> 国連の気候変動に関するZF間パネル
ICS, Industrial Computer System ==> 産業用計算機システム
ICS, Industrial Real Time Computer ==> 産業用リアルタイム計算機
ICV, intercept valve ==> インタセプト弁
IDC, Interchange Distribution Calculator ==> 電力

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