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创景推出ERC32开发完整的解决方案  2012/3/1
      ERC32CPU(AtmelTSC695) 是一颗高可靠性,高性能,具有容错,抗辐射功能的32位 RISC结构的CPU,在国外,主要是用在航天等领域。

    创景公司依靠强大的技术实力,投入大量的人力与物力,开发出了ERC32的全套解决方案:ERC32 评估板;ERC32实时仿真器;ERC32实时故障注入器;ERC32软件测试等一整套的产品:

    1). ERC32 评估板:ERC32 CPU + FLASH + SRAM + RS232 + LED + Key + Ethernet + RTMES(RTOS BSP) + vxworks BSP

    2).ERC32实时仿真器: 网口,高速下载,支持GDB, Eclips debugger, 上海创景的ERC32 VDSIDE(EDIT + Compiler + Debugger), real time trace, flash programming, JTAG 接口

    3).ERC32 实时故障注入器:实时注入各种故障:如register error, memory error, pin error...

    4).ERC32软件(Firmware)实时测试仪: code coverage, Software performance analyse, variable monitor, stack overflow monitor

About ERC32(TSC695)

The TSC695F (ERC32 Single-Chip) is a highly integrated, high-performance 32-bit RISC embedded processor implementing the SPARC architecture V7 specification. It has been developed with the support of the ESA (European Space Agency), and offers a full development environment for embedded space applications.

The TSC695 includes all the major features (except co-processor implementation and master/checker mode) of the ERC32 chip-set. The component can divided in five blocks:

• the IU based on SPARC V7.0 architecture,

• the FPU compliant to ANSI/IEEE 754 standard,

• a specific memory controller,

• a slave DMA arbiter,

• seven peripherals:

– 1 watchdog (or NMI),

– 2 timers,

– 1 interrupt controller,

– 1 GPI,

– 2 UART’s,

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